PET BASICS -kurssi 8. – 10.4.2024, Turku

PET BASICS -kurssi 8. – 10.4.2024, Turku

Turun PET-keskus järjestää maksuttoman PET:n peruskurssin 8.-10.4.2024.

Nimi: PET BASICS-course  (Peppi-koodi PGS_1709-3003)
Sijainti: Haartman luentosali (TG1) ja ZOOM
Opetuskieli: Englanti
Kohderyhmät: lääkärit, tutkijat, väitöskirjatyöntekijät, PET:stä kiinnostuneet
Opintojen hyväksiluku: 2,0 opistopistettä, erikoistuville lääkäreille 15 h
Hinta: 0 €


Ilmoittautuminen viimeistään 25.3.2024: Minna Kangasperko, etunimi.sukunimi (at)

Lisätietoja: professori Anne Roivainen, etunimi.sukunimi (at)


Positron emission tomography (PET) is non-invasive and quantitative imaging modality using molecules labelled with positron-emitting radioisotopes in tracer quantities (i.e. without pharmacological effect) to visualize and measure rates of biochemical processes (e.g. enzyme reactions, ligand-receptor interactions, cellular metabolism, cell proliferation, gene expression) in tissues of living subjects. Therefore, PET is an important tool to elucidate mechanisms associated with diseases and drug actions. The course aims to provide students with a broad and general introduction to the PET imaging. The main purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the interdisciplinary nature of PET imaging. After the course one should have basic knowledge of the PET imaging field of its physics, radiochemistry, and data analysis, research and clinical applications.